Do you or a friend need a hand with dinner?
Kindness is for everyone. No matter the reason for the need, your community wants to help. Let a neighbor deliver a home-cooked lasagna or main dish to your family one night. We currently have volunteers cooking in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
How It Works
Sign up or nominate a friend.

Coordinate a day and time.

Get a safe and contactless delivery.

We’re always here when you need us.
“I had just undergone breast cancer surgery and I was having trouble moving my one arm. Being a single parent of 3 children made it difficult for me to shop for and prepare food during this time. Receiving my lasagna made me feel so cared for and it allowed me to sit and enjoy a long night of good conversation and laughs at the table with my children. Thank you so much! 🥰”
“We have been so overwhelmed and short on income this past year. Not having to make dinner and having such a wonderful thing given to us was amazing. It gave our family a chance to share beautiful meals together. Lasagna Love also made my father-in-law a lasagna to celebrate his 90th birthday! It helped our family to be able to have a beautiful and delicious meal on such a special day.”