Celebrate National Lasagna Day!

Help support our mission of

spreading kindness!


Need help with dinner? Your

community is here to help!

Sip with Purpose!


Lasagnas delivered to a family in need of some extra love and kindness.


Individuals impacted by the kindness of home-cooked meal delivery.


Volunteers spreading kindness in their local communities.


Countries with volunteers making and delivering home-cooked meals.

Our mission is simple: feed families, spread kindness, strengthen communities. 


Every dollar given helps us grow. Whether you are an individual looking to donate just once or a corporation looking to become one of our partners, we would love to have you as part of the lasagna family.


You do not have to be a volunteer to become a part of our mission. Sign our Kindness Pledge and commit to spreading kindness in your neighborhood, whatever that may look like for you.


Show your Lasagna Love to the world, while also supporting our mission! Every purchase made helps us grow our volunteer base, reach new geographies, and in turn deliver more home-cooked meals.

We believe that kindness, however big or small, is the key to strengthening our communities. 

Our volunteers are not just helping to feed families; they have started an international movement. Join us.

Breaking barriers to spread kindness

Contactless delivery began as a COVID-19 measure but has evolved into an integral part of Lasagna Love's strategy to reduce barriers to kindness. Contactless delivery is one of the many steps we can take to remove the stigma attached to asking for help. Contactless...

The perfect fit – Lasagna Sweaters

When Yvonne Skinner Reitemeyer's lasagna sweater appeared on Lasagna Love's Facebook page, it was love at first sight. Posting a photo, she delivered a lasagna wrapped in a tight-knit sleeve. As she read through the comments, she was shocked by the response. In an...

A Year in Review: Top Moments of 2023

As Lasagna Love reflects on the past year, we are proud of the partnerships we have built and the milestones we have reached. Many thanks to our new and existing volunteers who joined us last year in our mission to feed families, spread kindness, and strengthen...

The Spirit of Giving During the Holidays

Giving is at the heart of the holiday season. We often think of glittering lights and harmonious melodies during this festive season. As a symbol of love, warmth, and unity, Lasagna Love embodies the spirit of the season. A spirit of generosity shines through Lasagna...

Share the love.

There are plenty of ways to get involved with Lasagna Love, even if you don’t have time to cook! Click here to learn about our volunteer opportunities, or reach out to us about collaborating.  Join us!

Love, joy, and hope.
One lasagna at a time.