Lasagna Love will be closed beginning December 23rd so our team can enjoy time with family and friends. We look forward to serving you upon our return the week of January 6, 2025. Wishing you a warm and happy holiday season! 🎄✨
Request a meal for a friend or family member
Thank you for nominating someone for Lasagna Love! Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions, and then you can use the form at the bottom to request a meal for someone.
How does it work? Once you fill out this form, your nominee will receive an email letting them know you nominated them and inviting them to accept the nomination, and sign up.
Why can’t I just fill out the request form for them? Great question! First, every recipient has to accept our terms for our volunteers to legally be permitted to deliver a lasagna. And second, we’ve learned that in most cases when someone doesn’t know to expect a delivery, they don’t reply, or in some cases get angry with our volunteers. Please help us taking care of our amazing volunteers by using this nomination system!
What if I want it to be anonymous? If you would like to submit anonymously, please put the phrase “a friend” in the first name field instead of your own name, but know that these are less likely to be accepted by the nominee.
What if the person I’m nominating doesn’t have a cell phone? Please reach out to our Community Kindness Team at
Can I nominate someone in Australia or Canada? YES! Please nominate someone internationally using email.
How do I pay it forward? Do something kind for someone in your community! Need ideas? Follow our journey here or take some inspiration from what our community members are doing every day.